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Movianto was approached by a leading medical technology company that needed to upgrade their separate Czech and Slovak logistics solutions i...
30th March 2023
A global pharmaceutical manufacturer was experiencing supply chain issues due to the coronavirus. Movianto found a solution based on repacka...
28th March 2023
Theramex had hulp nodig bij het importeren van hun producten in Europa vanuit het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de rest van de wereld. Movianto sta...
14th February 2023
Having continuously committed to environmental care and an ethical way of doing business, Movianto in Germany and in Switzerland is proud to...
24th January 2023
Movianto Spain is building a new GDP facility to serve the country’s growing healthcare logistics market.
11th July 2022
Last week, our colleagues in Spain hosted an event to present the future of healthcare logistics and the company at the site of our new faci...
1st July 2022
Recently, Movianto UK in Lutterworth received a visit from the MP for South Leicestershire, Alberto Costa, and were lucky enough to get his ...
7th June 2022
As Movianto Netherlands prepares to implement the vaccine booster campaign, we take a moment to reflect back on the tireless effort of each ...
1st December 2021
The UK vaccine rollout effort required that vital link between vaccine manufacturers and the NHS, and Movianto is incredibly proud to have p...
21st July 2021
Wat we hier doen gaat over levenskwaliteit. Het gaat erom mensen beter te maken.
Michiel Heller, Director of Operations Benelux
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